Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mucus Dreams and Robitussin Wishes

My newest sketch... it's gonna be a cool painting.

Sorry everyone for being MIA on my blogging responsibilities... I've been sick and have had a hard time focusing through my mucus induced coma. I even missed my second installment of Favorite stuff Fridays!

I'm still recovering, but I felt compelled to connect with my fellow Deannavillians... or is it Deannavillites... maybe Deannavillists?

Soon I will have my new and improved website up... and just in time for Christmas.... Lil Red prints will be available. So keep a look out for an announcement in the next week or two.

I've been painting away to get a bunch of paintings done before January.  I will be in The Hive's tarot show in January AND I will be a feature artist at The Hive in June! How cool is that?

Wow...all that good news has made my nose runny.